Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This is not a Mommyfesto

Mommyfesto - "a companion blog to Daddyfesto" in the same way that "mommy" is a companion to "daddy" - less theory, more action; a little bit crazy; and bitching the whole way through.

The first thing you should know is that I don’t have a lot of theories on motherhood or parenting. I know a lot of people who have spent years (ok maybe just nine months and some change) collecting and cultivating their theories on parenting. Determined to find the best way, to have the best kids, they have read everything Amazon has to offer on rearing children. Some of those parents (or parents-to-be) have subscribed wholesale to a single theorist: they are touchpointists, or ferberites, montessorians, or, my personal favorite (really it is), love-and-logicians. Others - the majority- have taken a little of this and a little of that and created their own parenting protocol. I didn’t do either.

Over the past few years, I have occasionally thought maybe I should do a little research into my "profession" and have done my very best to make it through some of the literature. But then something like lice, or a mysteriously wet bed (and a screaming preschooler with damp pants), or flashcards, or poop (not in the toilet) or more likely, a new season of the Real World, would happen and the book would be forgotten long before I finished the preface.

And I didn’t do it ahead of time for a very good reason. There was no "ahead of time." I mean not in the planning, hoping, obsessing, picking out names and schools sort of "ahead of time." You see, I got knocked up, but before it was cool. Happily, the right guy knocked me up and now I have three kids and almost eight years of motherhood under my belt (and above it and on my ass) to blog about. But I still don’t have any theories, or grand plans, or manifestos. Instead I have only anecdotal evidence that may or may not support your theories.

So this is it, my "mommyfesto" little bits of mothering experience, observations, and maybe some advice, but mostly its just me typing in the vain hope that someone out there is listening to me because God knows, nobody is listening at home.

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