Friday, November 7, 2008

Election Wrap Up

Just a couple of anecdotes about the election.

1. I took my toddler with me to vote (what else would I do with her?) and I must admit I did have a sense of "this is an historic experience and a wonderful memory that I am sharing with you - because I am such a fucking great mom if I take you to vote" This was completely lost on my toddler. She was in fact very, very excited to go with me, actually humming throughout our short walk to the polls. She told me many times on our way there that she would see many "exciting and instresting things" (I can spell, she can not pronounce - I'm practicing capturing dialects). Once I was in the actual booth, she happily played underfoot. I did try to show her that I was inking in the bubble for the first black president. She was unimpressed. I finished my business and we left. Upon our return home, my daughter asked me when we would be getting there (to the polls). When I explained to her we had already been, she became deeply disappointed - "but where are the boats!?" she shrieked.

Apparently she was excited to be going boating, and was not, as I previously believed, excited to be experiencing democracy first hand and going voting.

2. My five year old son has a new knock-knock joke. And this one shows a world of improvement in his sense of humor. Old jokes went something like this:
Who's There?
Poop Who?
(Pardon the pun, but no shit, that's how he told jokes). Anyway, here's his new one:
Who's There?
Broccoli Who?.
Broccoli Obama!
And there's something wonderful in that. From this election my boy took nothing but a similarity between name and vegetable. And that in itself is what's fantastic about Obama's election, that my five year old son saw nothing more significant than the material for a better knock-knock joke!

1 comment:

rachel... said...

I've just discovered your blog, and have been enjoying the past posts! We may be living parallel lives! Hope to see more from you soon!

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