I couldn’t help it.
Anyway, a friend called me yesterday. She wanted to talk about Dora. Her daughter recently celebrated her third birthday with a Dora and Diego themed-party (I’m assured there was no live monkey involved). Her family is firmly committed to Dora. And simply-put my friend is pissed about Dora’s pending transformation. As she told me, if she "wanted her daughter to play with a whore she’d give her a Bratz doll." Don’t worry, I defended the Bratz dolls, pointing out that they obviously lived in a much tougher world than Dora and her cousin and couldn’t be expected to shoulder all the blame for their poor choices. Anyway, my friend pleaded with me to "do something, anything, to make Mattel see that they can’t change Dora." When I finished laughing about the fact that my friend might be under the mistaken impression that I am a paid (and therefore powerful) journalist instead of a writer that returns from the mailbox empty-handed everyday, I agreed to try to do something to help Dora maintain her innocence.
My friend hoped I would start a movement. So this is my attempt at social activism. For now, we’ll hope people read this post and comment. I’ll put in a poll on the sidebar for you to vote on Dora’s change. After we get an overwhelming response, I’ll e-mail Mattel and let them know how we feel. Oh and maybe I’ll do a few news releases just for the practice (it’s been a while). So what can you do? Comment, vote, and e-mail this post to anyone you think might want to weigh in.
Who knows - if this works maybe I’ll have a Save Dora House Party Obama-style!! We could have margarita's right?
I'll vote and pass the link along to others. Think I'll post it on my blog, too.
You know what else you could do? Start a viral email using your blog post and send it to every mom you know, encouraging them to add their name and pass it along. Include instructions to the 100th (or 1000th?) signer to forward it to an included Mattel email address?
I have to say this is wrong on so many levels. Why on Earth and how on Earth did someone come up with this bizarre idea?! Seriously!
I just blogged about this myself and made mention of your blog. I think it was all planned... this reaction I mean. Mattel is crafty, but did this backfire? hhmmmmmm
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