Yep. In T-minus one hour, the potty training will begin. You might think, that as a mother of two well-toileted children, this last time around would be a breeze. Alas, you do not know the hell that was potty training those first two. Let me just say this, thanks to my son, I have been shit on in every possible way. We will not even mention the pee. This time around I am bravely trying something new - the original (1974) method - "Toilet Training in Less Than A Day." More on that later, but here's what you need to know: apparently if I ply my my daughter with delicious potato chips, candy and more drinks than her little bladder can handle; use the voice of a robot who says things like "You are such a big girl, Polly. You use the Potty. Are your pants wet?"; and stay in my kitchen for at most four hours, my daughter should be potty trained shortly after lunch.
Updating the blog around 2 pm, should be totally doable as that is OVER four hours from now.
I don't mean to have a bad attitude (I know that can kill these sorts of things), but I can see one problem so far - the child in the book's example is a boy... there's no wiping anywhere in the instructions!
1 comment:
Good luck!
My third, also a girl, was the hardest to potty train. I'm a big fan of the sugary rewards and not afraid to call the whole thing off for a month or two after one accident after another...
Can't wait for an update!
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