I was at my kids' school today for a meeting. On the way out the door, I noticed a picture of Maria Montessori. The fact that Montessori classrooms and schools have pictures of the method's founder all over the place is usually something I try to ignore (it somehow reminds me of the Kim Jong Il PR machine, except not as ridiculously entertaining). Anyway, Dr. Montessori may have had an uncanny ability to understand the minds of children and she did create an educational method for which we are happy to pay thousands of dollars each year to expose our children to, but from the looks of these pictures, beauty was not one of her top attributes. The funny thing is the picture of Maria Montessori looked eerily similar to another picture I recently saw - the one of the lady with freaky long hair of "what would happen if someones hair was so super long it touched the ground fame" - see below. I'll let you be the judge, but now I'm pretty sure which long-haired hippie it was that inspired my son's original inquiry.
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